Tuesday, September 4, 2012


Assalam to all my muslim members, thanks for spend your time in my site..

This entry for remind me & yours! lets refresh our imAn...come, join me!

As we know,Islam has been built on 5 pillars-
Testifying that there no God but Allah, and that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, performing the prayers, paying the zakat, making the pilgrimage to Mecca, and fasting in Ramadhan.[Bukhari and Muslim]

we, a muslim that who accepts Islam as the way of life. Islam is our way. We believe that in what Islam tells us to believe. We acts as Islam told us to act. We accept that Allah is the Only and True God; Allah is the creator of everything.  If every action is done to please Allah, and performed in obedience to Him, then is an act of worship or Ibadah. Our life is a test for us.

Listen Me & Dear..., we shall not disobey Allah in anyway. we must do our utmost to be successful in the test. Then we can get our reward from Allah in this life, and in the life After Death.

Love Allah forever

                                                            P/s: This Universe is not jumble of chaotic things       

Saya Gadis Banjar : Keladi Gajah

Nota: sumber mutiara kata ini dipetik dan diambil dari hasil pembacaan dan pengalaman penulis sendiri serta dari penulis mutiara kata yang t...